
Becky Hermann’s dedication to empowering youth through the DREAM program at Vista Maria has been a cornerstone of her career. As the Journey to Success and DREAM Program Manager, Becky has been an invaluable member of the Good Shepherd family since starting as a Marketing Intern in June 2005. She has worked tirelessly to help youth find a love for education, explore career opportunities, and develop essential life skills. Her passion for making a difference extends beyond her professional role; she also serves on the board of the St. Linus Parent Teacher Group and coaches basketball. Becky enjoys word searches, Lego building, and exploring with her 9-year-old daughter, balancing her work and personal life with grace. Becky Hermann’s journey is a testament to the impact of dedication, education, and advocacy. Her work continues to inspire and empower the youth at Vista Maria, helping them build brighter futures.

Q: How does the DREAM program support our youth?
A: Our goal for the DREAM program is for the youth to feel empowered about their futures. We focus a lot on education, and not just in the traditional sense of school. It’s learning things to help with life. We joke that DREAM is Adulting 101, and sometimes the adults in the room learn just as much as the youth do during our groups. Budgeting for daily life is always a hot topic, as are discussions about medical autonomy, communication styles, and conflict resolution. These are important skills everyone needs to flourish and function, but not everyone gets them at a younger age. If we start planting those seeds when the youth are 14, 15, or 16, we hope that when they face big decisions at 19, 20, or 21, they can draw upon what they’ve learned at DREAM, making those decisions less daunting.

Q: We just celebrated the graduation of three of our seniors! Can you speak about why education is so important for the youth in our care?
A: Education equals possibilities and opportunities. Getting your education is hard work, but it’s also one of the few things in life that provides instant gratification. You learn something new every day and add one more bit of knowledge to your tool belt. The more knowledge you have, the bigger the world becomes, and your possibilities grow exponentially. Not only that, but your education is also something NO ONE can take away from you. It’s yours. You put in the work to achieve it, and it will stick with you.

Q: What have been some of the most important lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?
A: While you may have support and people helping you, you MUST advocate for yourself. I think that’s why self-advocacy is such a big part of what I share with the youth in DREAM, because I didn’t advocate for myself enough in the early stages of my career. Once I found my voice, I haven’t stopped using it for myself, as well as for the youth and the staff here. I’ve made it a goal of mine to help those in my care find their voice sooner rather than later.

Q: What is something you wish more people knew about Vista Maria?
A: I want people to know just how much hard work is going on across campus every hour of every day. Our staff work tirelessly to take care of our youth and keep things running, and our youth work hard to change their own lives and thrive. The work is challenging and not always easy or fun, but it is undeniably worth it.

Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
A: I would say to fly, but I always have at least one bag or a wagon full of stuff with me, so maybe to apparate a la Harry Potter. Either that or multiply myself so I can be in more places at once. The kids here would certainly appreciate that one, as would my laundry pile at home!

To learn more about Vista Maria, including what we do and who we help, please visit