
The Women FORE! Women Charity Golf Outing is a golf event for everyone! The golf scramble is open to both men and women with prizes for the best female and best-mixed teams.

In its 20th year, this event has helped to raise awareness and funds for the children of Vista Maria. After 18 holes, the evening will feature a networking cocktail reception, raffles, and dinner.

Registration will be open in February with pricing starting at $200 per golfer.

For Sponsorship opportunities please reach out to Besty Beerer at

Sponsorship Opportunities

For event questions please contact Jessie Harper at:
(313) 253-2095

Schedule of Events:
8:00am ……… Registration open & Breakfast available
9:06am ……… Shotgun
3:30pm ……… Reception
4:15pm ………  Hear from our Honoree
5:00pm ……… Raffle Drawings